
Sunday, October 17, 2010

the infamous mosque

For awhile I didn't feel the need to express my opinions about the construction of the mosque near Ground Zero.  But since it's become so heated and divisive I feel like putting it out there. I get the weight and passion this issue has for both sides. What happened on 9/11 was one of the darkest, most evil occurences we can remember in this country.  The rationale behind the majority public opposition of the building of the mosque makes tons of sense.  People feel disrespected. threatened, and angry. 

But beyond logic, reason, and emotion, there's a quiet  inside me that keeps taking over 
when I connect with how I feel about all this.  What I hear is "what is God seeing and saying right now?" And I sense sadness- for christians and muslims alike.  It's like I hear God saying "you continue to fight your religious battles, with weapons, mind, and heart.  Yet your battle kills your spirits.  Your actions defy the very nature of who you say I am.  My pain is great, for you still do not understand me."

I think we need to rise beyond our human emotions and connect with the part of us that knows God.

If we stand in opposition to the construction of the mosque, we publicly throw another punch in a religious battle that has occurred since the creation of humankind.   This kind of response to religious debates hasn't moved us for thousands of years.  Is this the statement we want to make to the rest of the world?  I'd guess that anything other than fighting against the mosque would be viewed as sending a message of weakness to the rest of the world.  Please let us rethink this!  What is real strength?  Wouldn't Jesus suggest another way?  Are we that ingrained in our patriotic self-righteousness?!?!?!

It's not any one religion or collection of beliefs that will destroy humankind, it's our religious righteousness that accompanies our beliefs.  Actually, it was religious righteousness that motivated the 911 attacks.  Shall we retaliate from the same place?!?!  We get to this place where we think we're so big.

If terrorists began killing and destroying America (or any country), I support taking defenses and fighting for human dignity and the preservation of life.  But a mosque?  What if we as a nation had the boldness, courage, strength, and capacity for forgiveness (love) to see this as an opportunity for reconciliation, progress, evolution?  For lots of people I'm sure the concept of forgiveness right now seems laughable... but let's not forget the essence and actions of Christ, in whom we believe!  Retaliation will keep us where we have been for centuries

I know the opposition of the mosque makes sense on some levels. But when has the Truth of God ever been in alignment with the minds of the masses?  Jesus was radical.  He was counter-cultural.  He challenged public opinion.  No, he flipped public opinion on it's head!  He spoke and showed us a truth that only our Spirit can grasp if we can quiet our minds enough to listen to God within us.  The 1,000+ pages of the Bible shows us this, yet our actions contradict this as we boast our God.  

I believe we are more than this. 

How would Jesus respond, in his radical love and scandalous grace?  I believe God would delight to see our love and faith in Him expressed, not our fear and anger.

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