
Monday, October 18, 2010

making waves

I am extremely excited about the church I'm a part of. To me it seems like the American church is that it doesn't live out the radical gospel  (not sure if that's a judgement or an observation).  But at the expense of sounding like a jerk, I just don't see the church a whole focusing on what really matters.

Issues like... Homosexuality, conservative/liberal,
bible interpretations, "right living", are you Christian/not Christian?, saved/unsaved?,
"this is right, no THAT is right".   Man, I don't mean to bash any of that stuff, but.... 
while all this is going on, there are millions of people...

Starving.  Dying.   Being raped.  Beaten.  Sold.  Oppressed.  Burned.  Stoned.  Tortured. Robbed of their dignity. 

And we're spending time comfortably bullshitting.

And so...

We are the ones letting the atrocities happen.

Yet we concern ouselves with only what's in front of us.  We do the occassional mission trip or volunteer work, but we're far from being "all in"... like Christ.  Here's why I think we don't break the soul barrier:  Because the way we're doing it feels safer.

Look at the U.S.  Admit it or not, we're self-centered.  We react to what's in front of us.  We're "rich" beyond measure, but our riches have created a norm that now blind and desensitize us.  The deep and gross well of statistics reveal the imbalance of equity on the world's scale... and the US tips it the most.

Meanwhile, Jesus calls us to sell our possessions, to give our lives to injustice.  Are we really ready to do that?!?!  Am I ready to do that?  I want to.  What could be more scary?  And what could be more radical? 

The Well is doing it, and it's so damn motivating  Yeeeeeeahhh Haaaawwwwwww!! I'm proud to be a part of The Well's "Making Waves" movement.  We intend to make Christ seen in the world.  To say that I respect this boldness is an understatement. 

To me, nothing else matters.  Now I just gotta live it with 'em.

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